Monday, May 31, 2010

Number Three

Yes, I am pregnant for those of you who don't know yet. I am 12 1/2 weeks and we are thrilled for baby number three! I tend to fall off the face of the earth during my first trimester because I get crazy sick, but this pregnancy was like a million times worse than my others if that is possible, which only means that I will have a perfectly happy baby who loves to sleep, right? I'm not back yet, but I think I am starting to turn the corner, which is a gift.

This is kind of a funny story: Some of you may be confused about the pregnancy because of an April Fools Joke gone wrong. So, Mitch told his dad we were pregnant on april fools, and Vic believed him all day and then when he went home Cindy told him that it was a big joke, so to get us back, Vic sent out an email announcing the pregnancy and encouraging everyone to contact and congratulate us. He sent it to like 100 people. So I spent the night email people back and saying "thanks but we aren't pregnant...sorry!" Anyway...the very next day I found out that surprise, I actually am pregnant! So, that's the story!

Funny thing is, a few years ago I told Mitch I was pregnant on April Fools and he bought it and then like the next day I found out that I really was pregnant with Micah, so I guess we have to be careful what we joke about next April Fools!

P.S. Baby is due on Micah's birthday, December 10th!


mel said...

so excited to meet baby number three... i do have to say, this has to be one of my favorite family jokes thus far. so good to see you the other night out and about with color in your face! love you linds!

Tiff Rueckert said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you...a christmas baby (or atleast early december...right?) I only know this because Nat is pregnant and she is due Nov. 13 (so she is a few weeks ahead of you)! I'm so happy for you!

Jeff and Kandis said...

congrats Lindsay and Mitch!! Can't wait to see this cutie! When are you due?

K+C=M+K said...

And I can't wait to see baby #3!! Thanks so much for coming out on Saturday- it was so fun to see you! We sure miss you guys and can't wait for you to feel better so we can start playing again! Love you!!

McGraths said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. We're happy for you guys. And that is SUCH a funny story.

Kristen said...

Congratulations! I'm so sorry you've been sick--but I guess that's the price you pay for having such ridiculously adorable children :) J/K. Hoping you feel better soon!

Mitchell.Lindsay.Micah said...

Thanks funny, this baby is actually due on Micah's birthday, December 10th! But I am hoping that it will want to come about two weeks early, because December is a crazy busy month, we'll see!

the waites said...

Oh Lins... I instantly am taken back to when I was sick after reading this. Ugh I hope you feel better soon, its gotta be even harder with 2 at home. I sure loved your email, it made me want to come over and have a slumber party! Im sad to say that we are moving to Az for a year or two. We need to get are debt down a little then WIllie wants to buy a practice in California. This only means I will be coming to visit every month. Im blessing Mia the 4th of July in Newport. For my Birthday in Sept. Im coming out to play. Start planning all the yummy places we should eat. I have to take you to this place in LA called Al Cove-AMAZING! Sorry to write a novel but sure miss you and talk soon! ps how dang cute was Micahs wish- melts your heart for sure.

Ashley and Paul Giddings said...

Congrats! That is so exciting. My Maylee was born Dec. 23rd last year (2 weeks early) so I totally understand the hectic December. I hope you are feeling good. :) Can't wait to see pics of another beautiful addition to your already gorgeous family!