Saturday, November 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend

We started off our July 4th with a little breakfast celebration and bike parade at church.

Then we headed for the beach along with every other person in California! But it was an incredibly perfect beach day!

Love this shot!!! All the good one's are taken by Elise, as usual!

Then we all headed over to my parents house for a delicious BBQ

On July 3rd we also spent all day at the beach, paddle boarding. We all took turns, including my brother Ryan and his wife Britt. It was so fun to have them in town from Texas! Later, we had a picnic there in the harbor. It was a pretty perfect day!

Waiting in the parking cute are these two? Best Friends!

Later that night, we hung out in our backyard. Roasting marshmallows and snuggling!

Ry and Britt with the kiddos...they sure love their Aunt and Uncle! We can't wait to see them again, it has been way too long!

Mitch won an iPad at work...he is now totally obsessed! He was trying to locate and download an app to show us all the constellations right above us.
Adorable couple
Our little munchkin man playing with all the glow sticks!

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