Monday, October 27, 2008

I've Been Tagged...

By one of my favorite people ever, Deb Speed!

So, six "unspectacular quirks" of mine are:

1. It takes me FOREVER to make chocolate chip cookies because I have to have each cookie dough ball have the exact same amount of chocolate chips. And also after they come out of the oven I have to place the same amount, usually 3 chips, on the top of each cookie. That makes them look perfect and delicious. The reason why they all have to be the same is because I want them to look equally as enticing so someone doesn't feel bummed that they got a worse cookie than the others.....I know no one cares or notices but I absolutely cannot make cookies any other way! (Writing these things out makes me feel even crazier!)

2. I recently realized that every night in order to fall asleep in my bed I have to count in my head...I count until I fall asleep! Every night without fail!!!

(No Photo- because there is no way I would look at that!)
3. This one might be the most embarrassing, but some of you might know that I have a VERY SERIOUS phobia of snakes...I mean serious! But to show you how serious, here is one of my quirks: everywhere I walk I look ahead and search for snakes, especially outside in the grass or dirt on hot days. But I even check in the house in rooms before I enter and I check the kids rooms for snakes before bed...I know it is crazy, but I cannot stop myself...Mitch thinks I need to go get hypnotized to cure myself of this phobia...

4. I prefer odd numbers, I set my alarm only to odd numbers like 7:01, not 7:00 or 7:02. I prefer due dates and other things on odd numbers...see 1. (three or five chocolate chips, not four).

5. My whole family has nicknames for each other and we NEVER call each other by our real name Ever!

Well, there it is...
Will you guys still be my friend after finding out how crazy I am?

Now I am supposed to tag six other people. ok eight!
Brittany, Autumn, Elise, Melissa, Chelsea, Kjerstin, Rachel, Tiff


K+C=M+K said...

Those are so funny! I never knew that about you with the cookies. Or about a lot of those things. See, I have a thing or two to learn about you cookie making, all of mine look different, but how nice to have each one looking perfect! Oh, and the snake thing- I am the same way about cockaroaches- Dealthy afraid!!!

Elise said...

haha!!!!! the cookie one is the best. how did i not know that? haha! so fun. okay let me do mine.

Ash and Christian said...

This is my favorite post of yours by far. I feel like I know you pretty well and the only one I knew was the snake one. Love getting to know you better.

Paul and Deborah Speed said...

Yay! You are crazy and I LOVE YOU FOR IT!!! P.S. You're one of my favorite people, too! I need to take a trip down South so I can say hello.