Monday, September 7, 2009


Kait and I went to the best concert of our lives by far!!! It seriously was one of the funnest nights of my life! Partly due to ColdPlay, but mostly because I was with Kait, watching ColdPlay! We had so much fun, we were dying laughing and freaking out almost the whole night!
The traffic coming off the freeway to get to the stadium was insane, so we asked someone on the street that was parking in a parking lot, how far away the stadium was. They said it was like 1/2 a mile. So we pulled over and parked. Because of traffic, we were already late and we did not want to miss the opening, so we started running! And we kept running and running and running and running!! We were out of breathe and like sweating, and dying laughing! Everyone we asked, kept saying, "oh it should be like a mile that way"...well not joke, at least 10 miles away, we finally got there, maybe more! So, we hear the music, but we couldn't make it out and we ask the ticket girl how long they have been playing and she said, "Oh, Coldplay won't be on for at least another 30 minutes!" What? Well, at least we had fun panicking and running through the streets...and we got to see the opening!!!

We loved every second of the concert, it couldn't have been a better show! Chris Martin was running and dancing around the stage like crazy! His dancing was so awkward it was really endearing! He sounded even better in person and we were dying over him! We loved Viva La Vida, Yellow, with all the huge yellow balloons floating down in the stadium, and the Scientist with everyone singing at the top of their lungs...but by far, our favorite part of the show was when the whole band came out into the audience to play a few songs...right next to us!!!!

So they come up into the stands right next to us and Kait goes running towards them, leaving me with all the cameras, phones, purses and binoculars!!! Thanks Kait! She couldn't help herself! So I was like 10 or 15 feet away from them but Kait was sitting right at their feet! He starts singing "Green Eyes", just for Kait, we are sure of it! And she started grabbing and squeezing his foot, but she didn't really realize she was doing it until he put his hand down for her to grab it! Then her boyfriend, Chris Martin sang "Billy Jean" and then he started doing some free styling about the concert!

Loved the harmonica!!!
This is one of the two concerts that I had to see before I die! They did not disappoint!!!! Let's see how U2 does in October...can't wait!!!!!
Thanks Kait, I loved every second of it! Best concert ever, best band ever!!!


Chris & Carolyn said...

i am so jealous you guys got to go see coldplay! but the concert we had at your house was pretty stinkin awesome as well :)

Julie said...

Where/when did you see them?? We saw them in San Diego in July...LOVED them!! Honestly, so amazing! Favorites: Billy Jean, Fix you, Viva la Vida...and the butterflies.