Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Annual Devine Family Camping Trip!

(Caution: There are like 97 pictures in this if you are not a Devine, you might not be interested!!!)

Aimee suggested our family go on a camping trip this summer, and since we haven't been camping as a family in at least 15 years, we decided it was about time! Now, I was not thrilled about bringing a 1 1/2 year old and 3 1/2 year old camping...but it actually was a blast! We had so much fun, and the kiddos LOVED being outside and in the mountains so much! I was apprehensive at first about Jade crawling around in the dirt, however, by the end of the trip, I think my whole family would agree that I was officially a camper...oh yeah, and I can't forget, I am a hiker as well! We went to Bass Lake, right outside of Yosemite and it was breath-taking! So, we spent a lot of time hinking, playing at the lake, driving, sitting by the camp fire and laughing...good times!

No judging allowed, campers don't wear make-up ok!

Check out my manly Eagle Scout! Oh yeah!!!

I've never seen Mitch make this frowny face before and think it is so adorable...he looks 5!

We hung out, talked, made s'mores and played the "Guess that Skittle" Taste test game! Mom and I tied...4 out of 5! I think Kait got 1 out of 5! Seriously needs to work on the palette!
Carolyn, the camping extraordinaire, is my sister Kiki's best friend (as well as the whole families now too). She is from Colorado and lives to camp, I think she was secretly rolling her eyes at us amateurs the whole time! She and Micah were inseparable the whole trip! She was telling him ghost stories using a flashlight all night and he still begs to hear stories every waking moment...Thanks Car! She coaches the BYU Hawaii Girls Soccer Team! Aloha! We miss you!

First of all, I have no idea how many bags of marshmellows Jade pounded on her own...Second, can you please look at her finger nails!!! Doesn't get nastier...but I guess that is camping, right?

My dad and his beautiful Kait!

Why is every picture of Kim bazaar? Because that is who she is...crazy and quirky and hilarious to be around!

Ry and Jade were inseparable as well! She is completely in Love with Ryan! She can hardly focus when he is around! It's all about Ryan! (And I don't think he minds it one bit!)

Micah was so fun and crazy the whole trip!
Jade and her Papa! They took lots of fun one-on-one walks through the forests! She is pretty in love with her Papa too! She can't get enough!

What? Isn't it normal to let your 1 1/2 year old walk around chowing on a bag of Famous Amos cookies that weighs more than her?

Mornings around the camp fire with Uncle Jake!

With hours spent in a car, automatically comes Serious Sing-offs! And as you can tell, they are serious!!! Sing to me!!!
You know he is feeling it!
oh yeah!!!

Oh look, that's weird, she is eating again! That's my little garbage disposal!

Care Bear and the Micah Man!

Daddy and his little girl were able to spend some fun quality time together and they both loved it!

Everyone shooting their webs with Spiderman Micah!

We all love Jake, he is such a fun addition to our Family!

We went on a really beautiful hike up to a waterfall! As we were hiking, the mist drenched all of us, I loved it! It was so fun and we all had a blast!

The Hiking Crew!

The boys were nice enough to blow up all the air mattresses for us to use at the lake...all except Micah and he was not happy about it! He wanted to do it too!

The little Lundquist Family at Bass Lake!

I had the best time ever, just relaxing and floating around the lake without a care in the world, surrounded by my favorite people!

Love this shot! Micah and his Papa!
Ace and Jade just layin out!
Ry and his shadow!

Told you...every shot kim is either being bazaar or kissing Jake!

The Love Birds!

The Boys!

The Girls!

Boys being boys!

Ok, I think that's about it!
Looking forward to the next camping trip! Thanks Ace, for the idea and Dad for the trip, and Mom for the food, and everyone for the fun!!!


Ash and Christian said...

Your mom isn't in ONE picture. I'm sure she was too busy cooking delicious food. (p.s. doesn't surprise me that you two won the skittle contest.)

Looks amazing. Can I come next time?

lacyboo said...

lindsey youre hilarious. you look gorgeous with or without makeup girl. those pictures look so fun. we are definate campers here but havent been since kade was like...4 months old. this made me wanna go so so bad!

Elise said...

How stinkin fun!!!! I looked at every picture by the way. So does that make me a devoted devine and making us come to the next trip :) ?? :)

Chris & Carolyn said...

I am smiling so big right now! I had so much fun camping with all my BFFs (and no I never rolled my eyes) the Devines are CAMPERS!! haha. I hate being so far away from all of you. i am excited for our next adventure tho! LOVE YOU!