Friday, September 25, 2009

Our Little Dance Party

We got to Micah's preschool early the other day and so to pass the time, I unbuckled Micah and Jade and we decided to have a dance party! Micah loved every second of it, he was jumping around and dancing like crazy. We were laughing the whole time. I love moments like this!

Jade, who is usually a little dancing queen, only cared about buckling her car seat! She has been so into buckling all things! She cries if I buckle her by myself, she needs to help or do it herself every time. She is definitely a girl who knows what she wants!
Jade and Micah both have the same two favorite songs right now and they start dancing every time they come on, first is "Viva La Vida"...but who doesn't dance whenever they hear that song? And the second is Regina Spektor's live version of "Us". Every time it comes on, my kiddos start clapping and cheering, (just like the audience in the song) and then they start dancing and whenever it is over or even when it gets closer to the end, Jade starts moaning "ahhn, ahhn". Which means that she wants me it start it over again. And Micah knows all the words. They both love music so much, I am not sure if it is just them or if all children are the same, but I sure love it! They know how to make a car ride fun!
Jadey Bug it!


nicole said...

i am cracking up at the shot of jade, because presley has been doing the same thing the past month. she is obsessed with buckling herself in, and she has to help each time! love it. presley is a dancing queen too, sounds like she'd have fun in your car.

Cheryl said...

Your family is so cute! Can you believe how big our girls are getting!